martes, marzo 06, 2007

Convergencia y unión

El autor de Reflections on Relativity (según parece, Kevin S. Brown de Cornell) famosamente escribe:

In his assessment of hidden variable theories in 1932, John von Neumann pointed out a set of five assumptions which, if we accept them, imply that no hidden variable theory can possibly give deterministic results for all measurements. The first four of these assumptions are fairly unobjectionable, but the fifth seems much more arbitrary, and has been the subject of much discussion. (The parallel with Euclid's postulates, including the controversial fifth postulate discussed in Chapter 3.1, is striking.)

Nótese que habla de “The parallel”; no de “the coincidence”, lo cual nos situaría en una geometría verbal contradictoria al menos con Euclides. No sabemos si con Von Neumann.

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